Dearly Beloved,.
"Leave christians alone;
Our ministry starts since 40 years ago.The ministry continues to thrive with the Rev.K.MANI (garu) and PASTOR.M. ANDREW.Our annual day program me was celebrated on 11th January.
For our 40 years the full gospel church in india has been adistinctive movement focused upon communicating the gospel of the lord jesus christ in power of the holy spirit.
Pastorong and growing achurch in the 40 years ago is very difficult proposition.Although there are number of reason that could be offered,one major factoris the free lance mentality.We have so many choices in every aspect of life today and we bring this same mentality in to the church.
Welcome To Full Gospel Church MANIPURAM | ||
Full Gospel Church in India - 40 Years of Serving
Welcome to the FGCI! Experience the Worship of God who is mightier than circumstance! FGCI – A Church that is; Christ Centered in Worship Word Centered in Teaching & People Oriented in Ministry. Experience ethnically flavoured songs of praise, prophetic preaching and a closer, often creative look at the Living Word of God. May you find Him and be found by Him wherever / whoever you are. Consider this space an extension of a warm Indian welcome: Namaste! Vanakkam! The FGCI exists not to just care for Members, but primarily to reach out to our community. This is our prayer: that people around us will experience the sheer power and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before has there been such a need for an Eternal Friend: never have there been Times as challenged as these.
Jesus is my savier